

5 conseils pour une mise en œuvre plus facile de la norme ISO27001


As an increasing number of organizations seek to enhance their information security and privacy capabilities, the adoption of the ISO27001 standard is becoming a popular choice. This globally recognized certification demonstrates adherence to strict standards, offering a comprehensive framework for…

Combien coûte la création d'un SIEM SOC ?


So you´re considering building your own SIEM SOC, there are many parameters to consider, in this article we will focus on the costs. The cost for a 24/7 fully functional Security Operations Center (SOC) operating a SOC around the clock…

Aspects juridiques et de conformité du SIEM SOC


An often overlooked yet crucial aspect of SIEM SOC is the legal and compliance dimensions. Navigating the maze of legal requirements and compliance standards can be daunting, but it’s essential for any organization using SIEM. Understanding the Legal Landscape The…

Optimisation du workflow SOC : trucs et astuces

SOC (2)

It´s not always trivial to implement an optimized SOC (Security Operations Center) workflow. In the fast-paced realm of cybersecurity, having an efficient SOC workflow isn’t just nice to have; it’s essential. Tips and tricks to make your SOC run like…

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