Asegurar la atención médica: navegar por el panorama de las amenazas cibernéticas en los hospitales

Securing Healthcare organizations is becoming very challenging. Securing Healthcare organizations have gone and still going through an accelerate digitalization and adotion of new technology, as a result, the threats of a cyberattack on hospitals has escalated dramatically. The healthcare sector’s growing reliance on digital systems for patient care and data management has unfortunately made it a prime target for cybercriminals. Recent incidents at prominent hospitals around the globe highlight this pressing issue.

Securing Healthcare
Securing Healthcare: Navigating the Landscape of Cyber Threats in Hospitals 1

Securing Healthcare – Three main attacks that occurred in the last years:

1. Ataque al centro médico Hillel Yaffe: In October 2021, a major Israeli hospital fell victim to the DeepBlueMagic ransomware, significantly disrupting its operations. The incident was unprecedented in its intensity, damaging and blocking access to medical data, as well as operational systems, although according to the hospital, no PII information was leaked, and no harm was caused to critical medical equipment.

The hospital decided not to pay the ransomware, and rebuild all its IT systems, the recovery period took more than 4 weeks, and the overall cost was almost 10 million USD.

Se cree que este ataque se originó por piratas informáticos chinos y tuvo una motivación principalmente financiera.

2. Incumplimiento del Hospital Universitario de Düsseldorf: In September 2020, a cyberattack on Germany’s University Hospital Düsseldorf led to the failure of IT systems, resulting in posting ans not receiving new patient, diverted to another hospital, and eventually in the death of a patient. This incident marked one of the first known cases where a cyberattack on a hospital led to the loss of human life.

En septiembre de 2020, el Hospital Universitario de Düsseldorf en Alemania se enfrentó a un grave ciberataque. Este ataque a sus sistemas informáticos tuvo consecuencias nefastas. Lo que provocó retrasos críticos, lo que obligó al hospital a posponer los tratamientos y desviar a los pacientes entrantes a instalaciones alternativas.

As a result, a patient in urgent need of care passed away due to the delay in receiving treatment. This heartbreaking incident stands as one of the first recorded instances where a cyberattack on a hospital resulted directly in the loss of human life, securing healthcare, starkly illustrating the real-world dangers posed by digital threats in the healthcare sector.

3. Ataque de ransomware WannaCry: In May 2017, the WannaCry ransomware attack affected over 200,000 computers across 150 countries. Notably, it crippled the UK’s National Health Service (NHS), causing widespread disruption to hospital services and leading to the cancellation of thousands of appointments and operations. The WannaCry attack highlighted the importance of timely software updates and robust cybersecurity measures to defend against ransomware threats.

Qué debes hacer al respecto:

Contratar un CISO: Un director de seguridad de la información (CISO) desempeña un papel vital en la ciberseguridad de un hospital. Si le preocupan las limitaciones presupuestarias, CISO como servicio puede ser una alternativa eficaz y rentable.

Monitoreo 24×7: Advanced 24/7 monitoring, it’s important to consider a dedicated team that will continuously monitor and provide real-time analysis of security alerts generated by applications and network hardware, ensuring immediate detection and response to any potential threats.

Gestión de vulnerabilidades: Realizar un análisis de la superficie de ataque y un análisis de vulnerabilidad para identificar y abordar vulnerabilidades críticas en sus sistemas de TI e IOT.

Cybersecurity in healthcare is not just about protecting data; it’s about safeguarding lives. As we navigate this complex and evolving threat landscape, proactive measures are more crucial than ever. Our firm specializes in custom cybersecurity solutions for the securing healthcare industry, offering expertise in everything from strategic CISO services to ongoing monitoring and detecting threats before they cause damage.

If you’re concerned about your hospital’s cybersecurity posture, don’t wait until it’s too late. Contáctenos today to learn how we can help you build a more secure, resilient healthcare environment for your staff and patients. Protecting your digital infrastructure is not just an operational necessity; it’s a moral imperative.


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